Perspectives from a City-fied Southerner

My First Mission Trip – Going to Slovenia!

February 14, 2016
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Friends, I’m excited to share that I am participating in a short term mission trip to Slovenia this summer with my church, Sojourn, and would love your support in getting there! The focus of our time in this eastern European country will be putting on a Vacation Bible School for over 500 kids while their parents, who are missionaries, attend a training conference. This is my first mission trip ever and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity because it’s a really tangible way that I (and you, through me!) can support our brothers and sisters in Christ who are advancing the gospel in various parts of the world.

It would mean so much to me if you would help send me to Slovenia by making a financial gift. The total cost of the trip is $2,500. Make this experience a reality for me by visiting On the giving form, select “Missions” for the 1st dropdown; select “Slovenia” for the 2nd dropdown; enter “Slovenia 723” in the Memo box (this part is really important because it designates your gift to go toward my costs specifically).

Thank you for reading and thank you for praying this forward. I’m excited to see how the Lord will move in my life and in the lives of others as I prepare for this experience. Please help me make it happen!!

Cast Your Cares on Him

July 16, 2014
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I am having a crying day. Seemingly every image, quote or story about something sad, empowering, inspiring or depressing is bringing me to tears. I’m crying because it’s true that we still need funny images to tell us that we are great just the way we are, that we don’t need to conform to what society tells us we have to do. I’m crying because much (most?) of the world still thinks that this image of a family is inappropriate because it is against their personal morals. I’m crying because there are babies being left in hot cars. I’m crying because there are teeny tiny babies fighting for their lives. I’m crying because I don’t always feel valued at work. I’m crying about everything.

Most people who know me can tell you that this is an exceedingly rare occurrence. I’m just not usually a cryer. I think many things are sad but I don’t typically express those emotions physically because I don’t feel the urge to do so.

But for some reason, today is different. I don’t know why these tears are coming today but I’m thankful for days like today when I’m made to feel the weight of this sadness and my own helplessness in these situations. 

I am such a doer. My inner control freak sees a problem, and she wants to find and enact the solution immediately. But in much of the instances I mentioned above, and many I didn’t mention, I can’t do much of anything to make change occur. I can only pray to the One who is in charge of it ALL. 

The more I am getting to know the Lord and growing in my relationship with Him, the more grateful I am for the blessing of being able to bring all of my emotions, struggles, joys and worries to Him and trust that He hears me. There was a time not that long ago when I didn’t think prayer was very useful. I was of the mindset that ‘if God sees me at every moment and knows my thoughts, why do I need to pray about anything? And if He already has a plan for everyone’s life, surely my praying for/about them won’t change his mind.’ I’ve learned a few lessons about prayer that have changed my mind and my heart: 

  1. Sometimes prayer is the means by which God brings about certain actions that are part of His divine plan. 
  2. Prayer increases our trust in and relationship with God 
  3. When we pray and cast our cares on the Lord, we realize that we don’t have to carry these burdens alone

I recently read a quote by Tim Keller that said “suffering dispels the illusion that we have the strength and competence to rule our own lives.” How very true. I’m so thankful that we serve a God who we can trust our lives with. Who pours out grace on us constantly and isn’t frustrated by having to remind us that we are not the captains of our own ships or this ship called life. Perhaps seeing and being saddened by things that are out of my control is God’s way of again pointing me to Himself and letting me know that He is the ultimate and the only doer. 

Posted in Who I Am

Quiet Time

February 16, 2014
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Since moving back to Louisville, I have attended church more than I have in my whole life. Literally. Even when I was 15 and first came to know Jesus, I didn’t go to church every week like I have been now.

What brought this on? When I was in NYC and searching for a job in Louisville, I (eventually) realized that there was no way I was going to be able to do it without God’s help and for all my toiling, I should have been leaning on the Lord and trusting that he would lead me to the right place. And he did. Quite quickly after I poured out my heart to God he cleared the path and illuminated it for me, leading me to my current job. 

Since then, I have realized what I knew all along but foolishly forgot: I can do nothing apart from the Lord. Re-realizing this, and not letting the breadth of the blessings I’ve been given escape me, I have sought to grow in my faith since moving home. I attend church every week, am part of a community group, and seek to be a part of activities within the church. I have thoroughly enjoyed incorporating all of this into my life but I can’t say it’s easy. Other commitments always try to creep in and I’ve felt nervous that I’m not as spiritually mature as my friends in the church and thus don’t have as much to contribute to our group – or worse, that I’ll say something stupid. 

One thing the pastor mentioned in church last Sunday is that at some point in many Christians’ lives, we were somehow given the idea that the Christian life should be easy. And, put as plainly as I can, who told us this?! God does not promise us an easy life. One thing that I previously had trouble with was actually making time to spend reading the Bible and praying every day – aka having a “Quiet Time.” 

Back tracking a little, in all of this time that I’ve been seeking to grow in my relationship with God and praying that I would put aside my own desires to do as God desires, I’ve been feeling like my growth has been more external than internal – like I’m DOING more of what God wants but that my heart isn’t becoming less selfish. This has been discouraging, needless to say. I haven’t doubted that the Lord was hearing my prayers but why wasn’t I feeling growth happening?

Back to where I was, with quiet time. In church last week we talked about John 15, in which Jesus tells us: ““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” And I realized that by shirking on my quiet time with the Lord, I was minimizing my ability to remain in Jesus, to be a healthy branch – so how could I bear any noticeable fruit? 

So I doubled down on my efforts to have quiet time every day, insisting that I am not allowed to turn the TV on when I get home until this has happened. And today, while praying after reading the Word, the Holy Spirit showed me a glimpse of the work that God has been doing in me: He’s cultivated in me a desire to know Him deeply. That doesn’t come from my selfish heart. I’ve been praying that I would grow in my relationship with Him and today the Spirit showed me that God is helping me make that happen by first giving me the deep desire. He IS changing my heart. I can’t even express how excited and grateful I am to have been shown this. Truly, the Lord does know your every need. For me, this is the proof I needed that quiet time works. That dedicating time specifically to gain the nourishment from God’s word that is needed to be a fruitful branch is not just a habit you need to form to be a “good Christian.” It is something that will provide you with the nourishment you need in order to LIVE. 

Big Changes!

September 13, 2013
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So I moved back home to Louisville, KY. And I got an amazing new job. And to be quite honest, a whole new way of living life.

Most people who know me know that my plan was always to move back to Louisville after spending a few years in NYC. I decided earlier this year that this was the year that that was going to happen which was a little strange since I was finally comfortable in NYC and had the life that I wanted so badly when I first moved there – less foot soldier-y position at work, drinks with friends several times a week, fun “uniquely NYC” experiences, weekending in fabulous Northeastern places with friends.

But for all its glory, the City was exhausting. Seriously, when people would complain about working 10 hour days, I would think ‘try 13+ and get back to me.’ I barely had a relationship with my sister, beyond the fact that we would always have something innate between us, and after losing the most important person in my life (my mom) it became more important to me that I spend time with her. And that wasn’t going to happen in NYC.

Nonetheless, I thought about backing out of this decision a few times. I was comfortable in NYC and honestly, terrified of what my life would be like in Louisville. I didn’t, and still don’t yet really, have any friends here anymore and it’s not exactly the most booming PR market.

But there ARE opportunities here to do the type of work I had grown to love, be obsessed with, and yearn for. So I became focused on finding the right place to call my work home. Eventually, after many sleepless nights and tears in church, God revealed the perfect opportunity to me in His time: at the KFC Yum! Center. It’s in that beautiful picture above 🙂

Which is why I have to declare that God is so good and the devil is a liar! God hears you and he will provide for you. No problem is too big for him.

I’m so glad that God knew what was best for me; that He took care that I didn’t get offered a job that wasn’t right for me because I would have accepted it. And I would have missed out on the amazing experience that is my job now. It is one of the biggest blessings I have ever received. Seriously, God timed everything exactly right so that I would be looking for a job at specifically that time, that my old manager was open to catching up with me, and that the girl previously in my position would somewhat suddenly get married and move to another state.

Again I say, God is SO good!

Part of my new job and life here is that I leave work at a normal time! Except when we have something special going on at the arena, which I’m more than thrilled to help with, I could get home before 6 every day. That was UNHEARD OF for my life in NYC. I’m still so not used to having this much time after work that I’m looking for stuff to fill those hours! I’ve started working out after work and actually get out in time to take group classes! It’s really great being able to work out so often! Who am I…

I currently live with my dad and have most of my stuff in a storage unit, which is a little challenging. I’m getting to save money though, which is something I’m doing to help myself meet my credit card goals. Update on that front: four out of six cards are now paid off and though it’s looking like I won’t meet my goal of having no credit card debt as I enter 2014, I should only need three more months to do so! I’m really thrilled and proud of myself for this accomplishment.

I’m looking forward to having my own apartment (or rental house! crazy to me) here though. I think it’ll make me feel the most settled, but I definitely feel blessed to be able to save money right now by staying with my dad. Moving so quickly was so hard that I definitely don’t think I could’ve also found a place to live here on such short notice! I just can’t wait to truly feel like I have my life here.

Because from what I predict it’ll be like based on how it is now, I couldn’t be more excited 🙂

    I'm an opinionated, forward-thinking young lady from Louisville, KY and a PR professional working in NYC. I love long coffee dates, pop culture and prefer side dishes rather than main courses.

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